what can I do for self care

What Can I Do For Self-Care? Useful Tips To Consider

Make time for the things that energize you. Always remember that self-care is just as important as exercise and nutrition when it comes to healthcare. It is time for you to take care of yourself. You’ve worked hard, and you deserve some “you” time (that also means taking your dog to the park, binge-watch your favorite TV show, or eating macarons like they’re going out of style). You need to take care of yourself; no one else will do it for you. So, what can I do for self care? Here are some tips for self care.

Get a massage or manicure

Manicure and padicure massage

I know it might sound a bit weird but most people would agree that the first thing we should do to relax and destress is to get a massage or a manicure! While we were on holiday we always book some treatments before our flight back. It was the first thing we did and it was one of the things I appreciated above everything else: I needed it and I had plenty of time for it!

Life can be stressful for many people, and it’s always nice to unwind. Even if you don’t practice yoga or tai chi, getting a massage or manicure is sure to improve your mood. Who doesn’t love a good massage? Not only does a massage relieve tight muscles and tension, but it can also cure stress and improve a person’s well-being.

I bet you didn’t realize that there are over 600 muscles in the human body. Massage therapy, or physiotherapy, focuses on these areas of the body that are sore or stiff. The best kinds of massages target the exact spots that are causing the tension in your body rather than using a set pattern for all clients.

Try a food you’ve never had before

Food is an important part of your lifestyle and it’s what makes life interesting. However, we tend to eat the same things over and over again without remembering that there are thousands of different types of food in the world to try and that we probably will never get to taste them all. But today is the day we change this! 

There are approximately 300,000 edible species in the world! It’s high time we try some new ones. Food is one way to experience a new culture. After all, when it comes to cuisine, the world is a big place. And when you travel to a new place, there’s no better way to get a sense of the local culture than through the food.

Spend time outside – a nature walk

These days we hardly ever get to spend time outside. Between commuting to and from work, attending meetings, and catching up on everything that happened while we were gone, it’s no wonder we don’t feel like getting outside. Perhaps that’s why it’s so difficult to do so.

Even though being an introvert comes with a lot of perks. As an introvert, I’ve always had this need to be alone or in small groups. This sometimes led me to feel lonely because I don’t crave the same connection with people that extroverts do. I hate small talk, but love meaningful connections with a few people. Therefore going for a morning walk while enjoying nature can serve both things, i.e. spending time with nature and spending time with people while making a connection. 

A Walk-on back massage soothes your aching muscles.

Walk on back massage

One of the massage variants is a walk on back massage. Tense and weary shoulders, aching backs, and exhausted legs – that’s how we feel after a long day at the office! Feeling frazzled and frazzled isn’t good; we need something to take the strain away. There’s no doubt about it – walking on back massage is the ideal method for de-stressing and getting our muscles relaxed. This allows your mind and body to focus on what matters most.

The spa experience without the cost and inconvenience of travel.

Don’t let your busy schedule or location stop you from experiencing massage therapy, which has been shown to increase blood flow, and decrease stress and pain.

Go to watch a movie while eating popcorn or other foods you wouldn’t normally have.

I love movies. They’re an excellent source of entertainment, artistic mediums filled with beautiful imagery, heart-wrenching stories, and charismatic performances. I’ve amassed a large collection over the years. While some are the usual mainstream stuff, others are more obscure or esoteric.

The best way to spend a free weekend is by watching a movie… Yeah, it’s a great idea. But do you remember going out searching for it? First, you have to get up from the couch, get the movie tickets, choose what movie you want to see, and drive to the movie theater. It can be exhausting or not. Of Course not, this entire activity with excitement to watch a movie in the theater can instill in you a sense of thrill which can divert your mood and senses from the regular, boring, and mundane routine of life. Moreover, movies, unlike other hobbies, can engage your visual and imaginary senses way better than anything else. This can be a better treat for yourself if you decide to take snacks along that you have not tried before. Popcorns are too typical. 

Call a friend you have been neglecting

I know it is tough for everyone to keep in touch with all of our friends, but in the end, it makes us feel better in the long run. If you see someone is active on social media I’m sure they would appreciate a call if possible.

We all have way too many things to do in a day. It’s easy for friendships to come last on our list. However, if you call or even text your friends just once a week, you are more likely to feel closer to them. Plus it is an easy way to always stay in contact with your friends. So get out there and get reconnected. Life gets busy and we all have times when we don’t reach out to old friends. But we need to reconnect with them and we know it. So why not take the first step and give them a call today?

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